4 Tips For TMD

We can hardly believe that the holiday season is upon us and the new year is fast approaching. With a new year on the horizon, there is no better time to evaluate your TMD condition if you suffer from this common issue. In addition to the treatment we provide, leading a healthy lifestyle can ensure that your symptoms stay in the past. Read on to see if you are following the tips we suggest to lead a healthy lifestyle that helps your TMD symptoms.

3 Tips For Keeping Sleep Apnea Under Control During The Holidays

Halloween has come and gone, November is here, and before you know it, the holiday season will be upon us. If you suffer from sleep apnea and are currently receiving treatment, it is important to continue with your treatment plan and scheduled appointments during this busy time. It would be a shame to let your holiday celebrations and activities sabotage your progress. Read on to learn more about what you can do to keep your sleep apnea under control during the holidays.

How To Reduce Stress This Fall

With the arrival of October, we know that the next few months are going to be filled with plenty of extra events and responsibilities. It is a time filled with joy and excitement, but it can also cause a lot of problems with stress. If you have a full plate of responsibilities, adding more can be daunting, not to mention the added expenses that come with this time of year as well. Even the most calm and relaxed person can feel overwhelmed. If you suffer from sleep apnea, stress can really impact your treatment. We want to share the importance of staying calm, cool, and collected during the upcoming holiday season.

Link Between Sleep Apnea And Dental Health

At the Center for TMJ & Sleep Apnea Solutions NW, we are passionate about helping patients who struggle with sleep apnea. If you are unfamiliar, sleep apnea is a serious condition where your breathing is affected while you sleep. It is not uncommon for those who suffer to stop breathing for short periods of time during sleep. We often speak of the importance of treating sleep apnea and how failure to follow through with treatment can lead to serious complications with your overall health. You may be surprised to learn that sleep apnea coupled with not getting enough quality sleep each night can negatively affect your oral health.

Will The Change In The Weather Affect Your TMD?

We can’t believe that the summer is coming to an end and September is here already. With the arrival of September, not only are students back to school and schedules resuming, but the cooler weather is also arriving. There are some people who dread the warmer weather and love it when the cooler weather arrives once again. People who suffer from TMD can have difficulty with their symptoms during the cold weather. Read on to learn how the colder weather this fall can affect your TMD symptoms.

Is Stress Leading To Your Problems With TMD?

It is not uncommon to feel stressed or overwhelmed from time to time. This is your body’s way of dealing with difficult situations. You may feel this way often if you have a high-pressure job that requires long hours and tough decisions, or perhaps you have a major event in your life, such as an upcoming wedding, that is causing you to feel overwhelmed. If you are regularly stressed, it can cause serious problems with your health. Stress can lead to problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.

3 Habits That Make Sleep Apnea Worse

Last month, we sent an email about habits that may be affecting your TMD symptoms and treatment. Since we treat patients with sleep apnea and TMD, this month we want to share some habits that can affect your sleep apnea. Some of them may surprise you, and you may be doing them without realizing that they can lead to problems. Read on to learn if you need to break these habits.