Man snoring

Is Snoring Affecting Your Health?

Do you or a loved one snore? People who snore often are unaware until a family member complains about the noise they hear every night. Snoring is caused when air flows past tissues in your throat that vibrate. Almost everyone snores at some point, especially if they are congested or have a common cold. The problem is when snoring is something that happens repeatedly every time you sleep. Snoring is one of the common symptoms associated with sleep apnea. You may be surprised to learn that snoring can lead to serious complications with your overall health. When you pair snoring with sleep apnea, it can be detrimental to your health if left untreated.

Did You Know That Posture Affects TMD?

Do you work long hours at a computer, or do you enjoy sitting and scrolling on your phone aimlessly? If you suffer from TMD and you do both or either of these things, you may be causing more harm to yourself. The way you sit affects your posture, which is how you hold your body. When you are sitting, standing, or sleeping, you are displaying static posture. If you remember being reminded as a child to stand up straight or stop slouching, that was referring to your static posture. The way you hold your body can have a direct link to the symptoms of TMD. We want to share some gentle reminders of how your posture can affect your TMD symptoms. Read on to learn more.

How To Get Used To Wearing An Oral Appliance At Night

If you recently received an oral appliance to help treat your sleep apnea or TMD condition, you are on your way to feeling better and improving your life. As you know, dealing with either sleep apnea or TMD can be a difficult journey to navigate and can lead to problems with your overall quality of life. It’s amazing that a small oral appliance can make such a difference, but it does and has helped countless patients. There is an adjustment period, especially if this is the first time you are wearing an oral appliance.

Can Exercise Help My Sleep Apnea?

We all know the importance of exercising to improve our overall health. Regular exercise can help prevent many health issues, such as heart disease. If you suffer from sleep apnea, regular exercise can also be beneficial in improving your symptoms. Exercise doesn’t have to mean intense cardio or weight lifting. It can be something as simple as a brisk walk. Any form of movement is beneficial to your health. Read on to learn more.

Can Illness Worsen Sleep Apnea Symptoms?

We don’t know about you, but we are so excited to see the arrival of spring. This means that summer is right around the corner! Even though we can be excited about the brighter days and the warmer weather, unfortunately, there is always the chance that you or a loved one will become ill. While we aren’t having the same issues as this time three years ago, people are still getting sick for a variety of reasons. This may leave people who suffer from sleep apnea wondering if their symptoms will return or worsen when they aren’t feeling the greatest.

Did You See This Story In The News?

All of our patients, like you, come to our office because you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea or temporomandibular joint disorder and are desperately in need of a treatment that will not only improve their symptoms but also their quality of life. While we use certain appliances to help our patients, there are many more that are used by other practices. One such appliance has recently made it into the news for the oral health complications it can cause its users. Continue reading to learn more about the article and the appliance that is causing the trouble.

Should I Worry About TMD After A Car Accident?

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans are involved in car accidents. While we hate to discuss something as severe as a car accident, we feel it is important to know how this experience can impact your TMD or lead to new or different symptoms. Depending on the type and severity of the car accident, there is a chance that you will experience TMD for the first time or, if you have already been diagnosed, you may experience a flare-up of symptoms.

How To Cope With The Upcoming Time Change

We don’t know how you feel, but we are dreading when the clocks change on March 12th for Daylight Saving Time. While we will enjoy the brighter and longer days, adjusting to the time change can be difficult for some, especially if you suffer from sleep apnea or struggle to get quality sleep. Daylight saving time is the practice of setting the clocks ahead by one hour from March through November. Read on for some tips to help you adjust to the time change.

Foods That Can Negatively Affect Sleep Apnea

At the Center for TMJ & Sleep Solutions NW, we do everything we can to improve the sleep quality of our patients who are suffering from sleep apnea. While we encourage patients to follow our treatment recommendations, there are certain things you can do in your daily life to help improve your symptoms and not experience any setbacks with your treatment. It may be beneficial to evaluate your eating habits and make any necessary changes. There are certain foods that may be negatively impacting your quality of sleep and can aggravate your sleep apnea symptoms.