Tips For Sleeping Better With Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can make restful nights feel impossible, but small changes to your bedtime habits can make a big difference. At the Center for TMJ & Sleep Solutions, we know that better sleep hygiene is an essential step in managing sleep apnea symptoms. When paired with treatment options like oral appliance therapy or CPAP, healthy sleep habits can help you wake up feeling truly refreshed.

How Cold And Flu Season Can Affect Your Sleep Apnea

Cold and flu season brings a host of uncomfortable symptoms, from congestion to sore throats, but if you have sleep apnea, these seasonal illnesses can bring additional challenges. Even minor congestion can make breathing through the nose difficult, making restful sleep harder to come by. Here’s what you need to know about managing sleep apnea during cold and flu season—and a few tips to help you breathe easier.

The Importance Of A Regular Sleep Routine For Individuals With Sleep Apnea

At Center for TMJ & Sleep Solutions NW, we know that quality sleep is essential for everyone, especially for individuals managing sleep apnea. One of the most effective ways to improve sleep quality and support overall health is by establishing and maintaining a consistent sleep routine. For sleep apnea sufferers, this consistency plays a key role in managing symptoms and enhancing the effectiveness of treatment.

Navigating The Holidays With TMD: Tips For Jaw Health

The holiday season is filled with joy and excitement, but it can also bring challenges when you have TMD. Between colder weather and the added stress of holiday plans, your jaw may also feel the strain. Whether it’s rushing through busy travel days, indulging in decadent holiday meals, or managing the demands of the season, TMD symptoms can flare up, taking some of the joy out of your holidays.