Does Alcohol Affect Sleep Apnea?

It is not uncommon for adults to enjoy a glass of wine, a beer, or a cocktail with dinner. Many families grew up with the cultural expectation of drinking alcohol during family meals. Wineries, breweries, and distilleries have become quite popular hangouts over the past few years. One of the reasons alcohol is popular is due to its relaxing properties. Those same properties are the reason that alcohol can cause issues for patients who experience sleep apnea.

Food Recommendations For TMD

Do you visit our office due to complications related to TMD? If so, you know better than most that when you are experiencing a flare-up of symptoms, eating can sometimes be a bit of a pain in the neck, literally speaking for some of our patients. With the warmer weather arriving, vacations being planned, and family events taking place, it can be tempting to disregard food recommendations. We want to share some of the suggested foods and some foods that are best left to the side. Read on to learn more.

Is Your Mask Affecting Your TMD Symptoms?

Over the past year, we have had to change the way we go about our day to day lives. Running a quick errand now has additional tasks that involve using hand sanitizer and wearing a mask. A few years ago, many of us would never have believed that we would not only have to wear a mask wherever we went, but that many of us would have a favorite mask or collection of masks. At this point in our pandemic journey, we have all heard about the effects of wearing masks and have heard stories of those who are experiencing “maskne”, or facial acne caused by wearing a mask. Did you know that those who are affected by TMD are also experiencing an increase in discomfort in their jaw? In fact, it may have happened to you and you might not have realized the cause of your discomfort.

A Truly Transformative Experience, Just Ask Our Patients

We are so happy to hear from many of our patients, like you, that we have helped to change their lives. As you know, it is no easy task to live with constant discomfort in your jaw or not have the ability to have a full night’s sleep. We couldn’t be more thrilled to hear the words “effective”, “helpful” and “efficient” used by our current patients to describe our practice and our team. There are many that are still suffering with various ailments who have been searching for answers for years. As a patient of our practice, we hope that you will share all that we do with others who might need our help. Click to watch a video about our practice and read more about how we can help those who continue to suffer with jaw discomfort or sleep issues.

Meet a Valued Team Member – Nancy

At Center for TMJ & Sleep Solutions NW, we are dedicated to helping patients with solutions to manage their temporomandibular joint disorder, craniofacial discomfort, and issues related to sleep apnea and snoring. Our team is integral to helping patients like you get the TMD and sleep apnea therapy needed in order to live a healthier life. We wanted to take some time this month to help you learn more about one of our dedicated TMD assistants, Nancy.

Why Support is Key to Sleep Apnea Treatment

Dealing with sleep apnea can be extremely frustrating and can affect more than just the patient. It’s easy to forget that many sleep apnea patients have partners, loved ones, and family members who are also concerned and want to see the one they love get the help they need. At times, sleep apnea patients need to make certain lifestyle changes to get the lasting results that they desperately need for their health. We have some suggestions for not only the patient, but also their loved ones, to help them on their way to ultimate health. Continue reading to learn more and, if you suffer from sleep apnea, be sure to share this with your loved ones.

Simple Ways to Improve Your Sleep Habits

Now that we have successfully made it through the first month of 2021 and all the craziness of the holiday season and new year are over, now is the perfect time for a reset to focus on yourself and your health. There is no better area to focus on than your sleep habits and sleep patterns. Sleep is essential to your overall health, both physical and mental. It affects so many areas of your daily life, from energy, to weight loss or weight gain and mood.