Navigating The Holidays With TMD: Tips For Jaw Health

The holiday season is filled with joy and excitement, but it can also bring challenges when you have TMD. Between colder weather and the added stress of holiday plans, your jaw may also feel the strain. Whether it’s rushing through busy travel days, indulging in decadent holiday meals, or managing the demands of the season, TMD symptoms can flare up, taking some of the joy out of your holidays.

TMJ Self-Care

If you are one of the many patients with mild TMJ symptoms, you may only have occasional flare-ups or experience discomfort with certain movements. Your treatment plan may include monitoring your condition to ensure it doesn’t deteriorate and performing some self-care activities at home. Keep reading to learn about the therapies we often recommend for home care.

Words of Wisdom from Dr. Stephen Carstensen. Watch These 3 Informative Videos.

Dr. Carstensen is a dentist who works at our Bellevue, WA location. He was kind enough to record a few videos about his values and philosophy as a healthcare professional who specializes in helping patients breathe better. You can watch all three of his videos here. We agree with everything he says and want to add to his words of wisdom with some thoughts of our own.