Is Oversleeping OK?

Everyone likes to have a lazy morning once in a while. It’s nice to turn off the alarm and grab an extra hour or two of sleep sometimes. The occasional desire to sleep longer in the morning is not a problem. It becomes a problem, though, when oversleeping starts to be the norm rather than the exception. Chronic oversleeping not only has the potential to disrupt your life, but it could also be a symptom of a sleep disorder. Continue reading to learn more.

Ideas For Celebrating Festival Of Sleep Day

Happy 2024! We don’t know about you, but after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we could use some rest and relaxation. This is perfect timing, because there is a special holiday that takes place on January 3rd, Festival of Sleep Day. Although it is difficult to pinpoint how this day originated, it is definitely a fun day to celebrate and enjoy. It is a day dedicated to rest and relaxation. Read on to learn more about this day and some fun ideas for how you can celebrate.

3 Habits That Make Sleep Apnea Worse

Last month, we sent an email about habits that may be affecting your TMD symptoms and treatment. Since we treat patients with sleep apnea and TMD, this month we want to share some habits that can affect your sleep apnea. Some of them may surprise you, and you may be doing them without realizing that they can lead to problems. Read on to learn if you need to break these habits.

Man snoring

Is Snoring Affecting Your Health?

Do you or a loved one snore? People who snore often are unaware until a family member complains about the noise they hear every night. Snoring is caused when air flows past tissues in your throat that vibrate. Almost everyone snores at some point, especially if they are congested or have a common cold. The problem is when snoring is something that happens repeatedly every time you sleep. Snoring is one of the common symptoms associated with sleep apnea. You may be surprised to learn that snoring can lead to serious complications with your overall health. When you pair snoring with sleep apnea, it can be detrimental to your health if left untreated.

Did You Know That Posture Affects TMD?

Do you work long hours at a computer, or do you enjoy sitting and scrolling on your phone aimlessly? If you suffer from TMD and you do both or either of these things, you may be causing more harm to yourself. The way you sit affects your posture, which is how you hold your body. When you are sitting, standing, or sleeping, you are displaying static posture. If you remember being reminded as a child to stand up straight or stop slouching, that was referring to your static posture. The way you hold your body can have a direct link to the symptoms of TMD. We want to share some gentle reminders of how your posture can affect your TMD symptoms. Read on to learn more.

How To Get Used To Wearing An Oral Appliance At Night

If you recently received an oral appliance to help treat your sleep apnea or TMD condition, you are on your way to feeling better and improving your life. As you know, dealing with either sleep apnea or TMD can be a difficult journey to navigate and can lead to problems with your overall quality of life. It’s amazing that a small oral appliance can make such a difference, but it does and has helped countless patients. There is an adjustment period, especially if this is the first time you are wearing an oral appliance.