Why Support is Key to Sleep Apnea Treatment

Dealing with sleep apnea can be extremely frustrating and can affect more than just the patient. It’s easy to forget that many sleep apnea patients have partners, loved ones, and family members who are also concerned and want to see the one they love get the help they need. At times, sleep apnea patients need to make certain lifestyle changes to get the lasting results that they desperately need for their health. We have some suggestions for not only the patient, but also their loved ones, to help them on their way to ultimate health. Continue reading to learn more and, if you suffer from sleep apnea, be sure to share this with your loved ones.

Simple Ways to Improve Your Sleep Habits

Now that we have successfully made it through the first month of 2021 and all the craziness of the holiday season and new year are over, now is the perfect time for a reset to focus on yourself and your health. There is no better area to focus on than your sleep habits and sleep patterns. Sleep is essential to your overall health, both physical and mental. It affects so many areas of your daily life, from energy, to weight loss or weight gain and mood.

TMD Do’s and Don’ts To Get You Through the Holiday Season

When living with TMD, it can be difficult to remember what is beneficial and what can be a trigger for the disorder. While receiving professional help for TMD, we will provide you with methods to cause relief and give a guideline for ways to help you enjoy your daily life. We understand that, during this special holiday time, it can be easy to succumb to the pressures and indulge in an activity that might not be the best to support your TMD issues. We have compiled a list of recommendations to help you remember how to help yourself and what you should avoid.

A Holiday I Bet You Didn’t Know About

December is here, which means the holiday season is in full swing. Although the holidays will be a little different this year, with cancelled holiday parties and family get-togethers, many of the stressors of the holiday will still remain. We can all appreciate and look forward to the new year quickly approaching. Besides being eager to say goodbye to the year that we have had, there is another fun reason to welcome the new year. Continue reading to learn about a little-known fun holiday celebrated on January 3rd.

This Time Of Year Can Be Worse For TMD Sufferers

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! If you sang those popular lyrics in your head while reading, then you are one of the many who are starting preparations for the upcoming holiday season. While the holiday season can leave many filled with joy, it is well known that the holidays can also be a huge cause of stress for many. Sitting around a Thanksgiving table with your uncle questioning your life decisions or shopping for hours, either in person or online, for the perfect holiday gift can leave anyone’s jaw twitching in discomfort. For those that suffer with TMD, it can be even worse. Read on to learn some techniques to manage your TMD during the stressful holiday season.

Helpful Ways to Deal With Stress

Stress and anxiety are common experiences for most people. In fact, approximately 70% of adults in the United States say they feel stress or anxiety daily. This is further heightened by the events that have transpired over the past few months. Individuals who have never experienced stress before are confused about what they are feeling. Stress is how the body reacts to and handles harmful situations, but ongoing stress can manifest in physical ways, like teeth clenching. Clenching teeth puts additional strain on the jaw muscles and increases the pressure on the jaw joint. Symptoms experienced can range from a sore jaw, muscle pain, tooth pain, or headaches as a result. Those who experience issues with TMD need to be particularly mindful of their stress levels. A recent article in The New York Times, mentions all of these symptoms and more as they relate to stress in dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. Learning to manage stress can help relieve these symptoms.