How Relaxation Can Help With TMD
As adults, we can all agree there are a number of factors that can cause added stress to our lives. Aside from all the daily stressors of life, we have also been living through a pandemic the last two years, so many people are experiencing more stress than ever before. This can be even more difficult and affect patients that suffer from TMD or sleep apnea. Aside from our treatment recommendations, many of our sleep apnea and TMD patients are always looking for different ways to relax. While we know many of our patients have their favorite hobbies that help them relax, we want to make a recommendation that will relax the body and the mind as well. We could all use a little relaxation! Read on to learn more.
Using Meditation to Relax
Being that we all can use a little more relaxation in our life, we wanted to take a few moments and discuss the benefits of adding meditation to your daily routine. Each of our patients find various ways to achieve relaxation. Some people like to do activities such as yoga, fish, go on a hike, play golf, do puzzles or read. Finding something that brings you relaxation can help with your current treatment plan. Meditation is a relaxation strategy that can be added to your daily routine. Meditation is the process of using a certain technique to train the mind to become clear, creating a calm state. There are many benefits to meditation that include:
- Improved sleep
- Less anxiety
- Reduced stress
- Lower blood pressure
- Improved attention span
How to Meditate
There are a number of different ways and techniques to meditate. There are endless books, Youtube videos and Instagram accounts dedicated to this form of relaxation. For a beginner, it is recommended to start for only a few minutes and build up to a longer time. Find a quiet spot, shut your eyes, focus on your breathing, and let go of upsetting or disruptive thoughts.
We hope you will give meditation a try, and we would love to hear what you think! If you have any questions about your TMD or sleep apnea treatment be sure to reach out to our office located in Auburn & Silverdale, WA. We are here to help!