Exercise & TMD

Have you been evaluating your overall health and would like to introduce a fitness plan into your day but are concerned because you suffer from TMD? Daily exercise should be an important part of everyone’s life, and there are definitely ways that you can exercise, even if you suffer from TMD. Read on to learn more about exercises that would be beneficial and those you may want to avoid.

Is There A Link Between TMD And Wisdom Teeth?

Do you have your wisdom teeth? If you are unfamiliar, wisdom teeth are the very last molars that erupt in your mouth, and they typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. Many people have them removed due to issues with overcrowding or because the teeth are frequently impacted in the jawbone and cause problems. Due to the location of the wisdom teeth and the fact that many of them cause problems with the mouth and jaw, you might be wondering if there is a link between TMD and wisdom teeth.

Sleep Apnea & Anxiety – A Vicious Cycle

If you are one of our sleep apnea patients, then you know the effect this condition can have on your entire body. Sleep apnea can also have a significant impact on the state of your mental health. Patients who experience sleep apnea have a higher risk of dealing with anxiety. Anxiety is the natural way that some people deal with stressful situations. However, problems can arise when your anxiety is keeping you from living your daily life. Read on to learn if sleep apnea is causing you anxiety.

Is Your Dinner Time Affecting Your Sleep?

What time do you typically eat dinner? We know that dinner time varies for each person and family based on their activities and schedules. During this time of year, many dinner times are also changed because of holiday parties and family get-togethers. You may be surprised to learn that the time you eat dinner can affect your quality of sleep and your sleep apnea symptoms. So, if you have been struggling with your sleep lately, your dinner time may be to blame.

How To Have A TMD-friendly Halloween

If you suffer from TMD, you know that it can be extremely difficult at times, especially if you are experiencing a flare-up of symptoms. With Halloween quickly coming later this month, we don’t want you to miss out on any festivities if you are having TMD issues. It’s also important to be mindful of your condition when planning a costume and choosing the candy you want to enjoy. We have compiled some tips to help you enjoy your Halloween festivities. Continue reading to learn more.

Tips For Sleeping More Peacefully

Which season is your favorite? While each season has its perks, many people do not choose winter as their top choice even though there are some clear benefits to point out. One benefit of winter is the slower pace and time spent at home to recharge. Winter is also a popular time to evaluate the state of your health and make any changes necessary before warmer weather arrives. If you experience sleep apnea and issues with your sleep, winter is the perfect time to create a nighttime routine to help you sleep peacefully. Read on to learn simple steps that you can easily add to your nighttime routine to assist with sleep.

Is Your Mask Affecting Your TMD Symptoms?

Over the past year, we have had to change the way we go about our day to day lives. Running a quick errand now has additional tasks that involve using hand sanitizer and wearing a mask. A few years ago, many of us would never have believed that we would not only have to wear a mask wherever we went, but that many of us would have a favorite mask or collection of masks. At this point in our pandemic journey, we have all heard about the effects of wearing masks and have heard stories of those who are experiencing “maskne”, or facial acne caused by wearing a mask. Did you know that those who are affected by TMD are also experiencing an increase in discomfort in their jaw? In fact, it may have happened to you and you might not have realized the cause of your discomfort.

Simple Ways to Improve Your Sleep Habits

Now that we have successfully made it through the first month of 2021 and all the craziness of the holiday season and new year are over, now is the perfect time for a reset to focus on yourself and your health. There is no better area to focus on than your sleep habits and sleep patterns. Sleep is essential to your overall health, both physical and mental. It affects so many areas of your daily life, from energy, to weight loss or weight gain and mood.

TMD Do’s and Don’ts To Get You Through the Holiday Season

When living with TMD, it can be difficult to remember what is beneficial and what can be a trigger for the disorder. While receiving professional help for TMD, we will provide you with methods to cause relief and give a guideline for ways to help you enjoy your daily life. We understand that, during this special holiday time, it can be easy to succumb to the pressures and indulge in an activity that might not be the best to support your TMD issues. We have compiled a list of recommendations to help you remember how to help yourself and what you should avoid.