Tips For Sleeping More Peacefully
Which season is your favorite? While each season has its perks, many people do not choose winter as their top choice even though there are some clear benefits to point out. One benefit of winter is the slower pace and time spent at home to recharge. Winter is also a popular time to evaluate the state of your health and make any changes necessary before warmer weather arrives. If you experience sleep apnea and issues with your sleep, winter is the perfect time to create a nighttime routine to help you sleep peacefully. Read on to learn simple steps that you can easily add to your nighttime routine to assist with sleep.
Importance of Creating a Nighttime Routine
If you experience sleep apnea or have issues falling and staying asleep, creating a nighttime routine can help you have a more restful sleep. A nighttime routine helps your body relax and sends cues to your brain that the day is ending and it’s time to prepare for sleep. While a routine should be personalized for each person’s needs and may differ from person to person, the goal should be to help you unwind. Over time, your body will adjust to the new routine. Some ideas to include in your nighttime routine are:
Set a Schedule
When creating a nighttime routine, it is important to set a schedule for yourself that you follow every night. This includes a time that you start your nightly routine and also includes a set time that you lay down to sleep.
Create a Nighttime Ritual
The steps that you take before bed will be different depending on the individual but can include activities that help you relax and prepare for sleep. For example, you might take a warm bath or shower, meditate, write in a journal, do yoga or stretching, or read a book.
Eliminate Electronics
It can be tempting to go on your phone or watch TV as a way to relax before bed; however, doing these activities are counterproductive when preparing to sleep. Your mind can easily become stimulated when using electronics before bed. Electronics should be turned off approximately 30 minutes before you start your nightly routine.
We hope that you will consider creating a nighttime routine if you have not already done so. If you are experiencing problems with your sleep apnea, be sure to contact our office located in Auburn & Silverdale, WA. We look forward to hearing from you soon.