Are Sleep Apnea Patients At Greater Risk For Heart Disease?
At the Center for TMJ & Sleep Apnea Solutions NW, we want to help people who suffer from sleep apnea and snoring. It is…
3 Tips For Keeping Sleep Apnea Under Control During The Holidays
Halloween has come and gone, November is here, and before you know it, the holiday season will be upon us. If you suffer from…
Auburn Location Has Moved To Federal Way!
We have exciting news! To better serve our patients, our Auburn location has relocated to Federal Way (32114 1st Ave S Ste 104, Federal…
Can Your Halloween Celebrations Affect TMD?
We cannot believe that October has arrived! Now that it’s the middle of the month, you and your loved ones are probably busy celebrating…
How To Reduce Stress This Fall
With the arrival of October, we know that the next few months are going to be filled with plenty of extra events and responsibilities.…
Link Between Sleep Apnea And Dental Health
At the Center for TMJ & Sleep Apnea Solutions NW, we are passionate about helping patients who struggle with sleep apnea. If you are…
Will The Change In The Weather Affect Your TMD?
We can’t believe that the summer is coming to an end and September is here already. With the arrival of September, not only are…
Is Stress Leading To Your Problems With TMD?
It is not uncommon to feel stressed or overwhelmed from time to time. This is your body’s way of dealing with difficult situations. You…
3 Habits That Make Sleep Apnea Worse
Last month, we sent an email about habits that may be affecting your TMD symptoms and treatment. Since we treat patients with sleep apnea…
Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Mood?
For years, we have spoken about the negative impact sleep apnea can have on your overall health. Can sleep apnea also have an effect…
Are Any Of These Habits Making Your TMD Worse?
We think it’s safe to say that most people have a habit of doing something that isn’t the best for their overall health. Maybe…
Exciting News from Dr. Tanya Kushner, DDS
Dr. Tanya Kushner, DDS is excited to announce that Center for TMJ & Sleep Solutions NW and Sleep Solutions NW are becoming one brand…
Is Snoring Affecting Your Health?
Do you or a loved one snore? People who snore often are unaware until a family member complains about the noise they hear every…
Meet Our NEW Dental Sleep Specialist, Dr. Gemma Kwolek
If you haven’t been to one of our two locations recently, maybe you don’t know that a new Dental Sleep Specialist joined the Center…
Did You Know That Posture Affects TMD?
Do you work long hours at a computer, or do you enjoy sitting and scrolling on your phone aimlessly? If you suffer from TMD…