The Relationship Between Sleep and Energy

Do you find that there are days your body feels energized and other days your body feels so sluggish you can’t imagine how you will make it through the day? Maybe your body feels great, but you are having a difficult time focusing on a task and feel your mind wandering. A Harvard Health Publishing article discusses how there is a direct relationship between sleep and the energy level you are feeling the next day. Read on to find out more.

Coronavirus And Using The CPAP

One of the most challenging aspects of stopping the spread of COVID-19 is that many people who have the virus are asymptomatic and don’t realize they have it. This is especially important for CPAP users to realize. Why? It’s well known that the CPAP can increase the spread of an infectious disease by aerosolizing the virus. That means that an individual using the device to help with their sleep apnea symptoms could be spreading COVID-19 to their sleep partner even if they don’t know they have the virus.

Poor Sleep Affects Your Daily Routine

I hope you are faring well during this challenging time. I find it’s important to keep up with regular routines, especially when it comes to health. While most of our patients who live with sleep apnea are well aware of how a bad night’s sleep affects their daily routine, I thought this would be a good time to remind people of the effects of long-term poor sleep on overall health. Read on to find out more.

Get Moving

We’re sure you know by now that the benefits of exercise are far-reaching. Not only does regular physical activity improve muscle strength and boost your endurance, but it also helps your cardiovascular system deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues to give you more energy. Exercise plays a key role in keeping you healthy. It’s no wonder that it would also have a positive affect on your sleep quality, something that every sleep apnea patient strives for.

Keep Your Appliance Clean

Your oral appliance works hard to help alleviate your TMD or sleep apnea systems. We understand it’s easy to forget about it once you take it out of your mouth, so we like to remind our patients every now and then about how to keep your appliance clean and in good condition. This will help extend the life of this important aid in your TMD or sleep apnea treatment. Read the tips below on how to care for your oral appliance.

Alcohol Aggravates Sleep Apnea Symptoms

You probably know that drinking alcohol has an effect on your quality of sleep, but did you know that for sleep apnea patients, it can make symptoms worse? It’s been shown that moderate and heavy drinking can trigger obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), even in people who haven’t yet been diagnosed with the sleep disorder. What can you do about your alcohol consumption and sleep apnea?

Do You Recognize These Symptoms?

Does your bed partner keep poking you at night to get you to stop snoring? Do you wake up feeling like you haven’t slept a wink? Are you so tired during the day that it’s causing problems at work or home? If these scenarios sound familiar to you, then your snoring and sleepiness may be more serious than you think. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of sleep apnea disorder. OSA occurs when your airway becomes blocked, causing shallow breathing or stopping breathing while asleep. You wake up gasping for air, sometimes hundreds of times during the night.