Is Napping Good For You?
We don’t know about you, but now that the start of the new year and holiday season is behind us, we feel like we can take a deep breath and relax. The holiday season always feels like it is go, go, go with parties, visiting family and friends, shopping and wrapping gifts. There are endless opportunities to join festivities, and it can be exhausting. By the time January rolls around, we just feel like snuggling up in a comfy blanket and taking a nap. However, if you are a patient who experiences sleep apnea, that may not be the best idea. Read on to learn why.
To Nap or Not to Nap
After a busy day working or running errand after errand, it can be tempting to close your eyes for a moment to rest. It can be equally as tempting to lay down with a comfy blanket and take a nap on a day with no plans. If you suffer from sleep apnea and often feel tired during the day, this might sound like a wonderful idea; however, it is not. If you have recently started treatment with us and are new to receiving treatment for sleep apnea, you may still have difficulty falling asleep and experiencing a restful sleep during the night. It can be tempting to take a nap when you are feeling over tired during the day, but we encourage you to refrain from doing so. Taking a nap can potentially continue the cycle that needs to be broken. Taking a nap during the day removes the exhaustion you might experience closer to bedtime that will help you fall asleep faster and remain asleep.
Continue Treatment
We know that there are certain occasions when you may need to close your eyes for a few moments. In these cases, we encourage you to follow your treatment plan even during naps. This is also true if you will be traveling in the near future. Be sure to bring any hardware or machinery we may have prescribed.
If you have questions about your sleep apnea treatment or notice your symptoms are declining after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we encourage you to contact our office located in Auburn & Silverdale, WA. We are here to help!