How To Have A TMD-friendly Halloween

If you suffer from TMD, you know that it can be extremely difficult at times, especially if you are experiencing a flare-up of symptoms. With Halloween quickly coming later this month, we don’t want you to miss out on any festivities if you are having TMD issues. It’s also important to be mindful of your condition when planning a costume and choosing the candy you want to enjoy. We have compiled some tips to help you enjoy your Halloween festivities. Continue reading to learn more.

Is TMD Affecting Your Sleep?

One of the most important things you can do for your overall health is getting a quality night’s sleep. While you sleep at night, your body and mind recharge to prepare you for the next day. When you don’t get enough sleep or quality sleep, many aspects of your life can become affected, such as your mood, ability to function properly, and more. While we typically discuss sleep when helping our sleep apnea patients, many of our patients who suffer from TMD also experience sleep issues.

We’ve Moved!

Have you heard the exciting news? Our office is in a new location! We have said goodbye to our office located in Poulsbo, WA. While we have had wonderful memories with our patients in our former office, we are eager to make more memories in our new location. We can’t wait to see you soon for a first-hand look at the new office. For a sneak peek and to learn about the new location, click here to watch the office tour and learn more about the new office.

Pregnancy And Sleep Apnea

Pregnancy is such an exciting time as you await the new member of your family that will be joining you in a few short months. Although pregnancy can be exciting, there are also many changes that are constantly happening to a woman’s body. Women experience everything from hormone and mood changes to food aversions. One of the biggest changes that frequently happens during pregnancy is a change to your sleep habits and patterns. Some women find it difficult to get comfortable, especially towards the end of pregnancy, while others are up numerous times a night using the bathroom. There could be another reason that your sleep is being disrupted during pregnancy — sleep apnea.

Destress For Better Oral Health And Sleep

We hope that you are having a wonderful summer and finding time to relax. Many people look forward to the summer months all year long as there is usually an expectation of less on the to-do list and a lighter schedule. Families enjoy school being closed as well as activities on hold for the summer. Companies adapt a summer schedule giving a more relaxed atmosphere. Are you dreading the return of fall due to the added stress that follows with the aspects of your day-to-day life? We want to share some helpful tips to manage your stress, which is beneficial, especially if you suffer from TMD or sleep apnea. Continue reading to learn more.

Smoking And Sleep Apnea

For years, we have learned about the harm smoking can cause to your overall health. There seems to be an endless number of complications and diseases caused as a side effect from smoking and tobacco use. People can experience issues such as cancer, heart disease, lung diseases, breathing issues, and problems with the immune system. Smokers are also more likely to experience sleep apnea and severe symptoms caused by sleep apnea.

4 Habits That Are Bad For TMD

Did you know that certain things you do on a daily basis affect your TMD condition and can lead to a flare-up of symptoms? Unfortunately, when we have a habit, we don’t even realize how it is affecting our daily life. When you suffer from TMD, you may not realize what daily habits you have that are triggering your symptoms. Continue reading to learn some common habits that may be contributing to your issues.

Can Allergies Cause A Flare-Up Of TMD Symptoms?

Do you suffer from allergies? Over the past few years, patients who suffer from various forms of allergies, particularly seasonal allergies, have been having a rough time. Pollen counts have been extremely high, and in our area, with all of the trees, it can be problematic. Have you ever noticed a flare-up of your TMD symptoms following a time when your allergies were at their worst? If not, be sure to pay close attention during the next allergy season. It is not uncommon for there to be a link between the two issues.

Does Your Sleep Apnea Seem Worse In The Summer?

I know that many of you are excited for the arrival of warmer weather and for the fact that the start of the summer season is a few short days away. Summer is a time we associate with longer days, activities in the sun, family vacations, and spending time with friends and family outdoors. While all of the summer fun is wonderful, if you suffer from sleep apnea you may have a different opinion. Continue reading to learn how summer fun can affect your sleep apnea symptoms.

Sleep Apnea And Increased Risk Of Heart Disease

At Center for TMJ & Sleep Solutions NW, we are passionate about diagnosing and treating patients who suffer from sleep apnea. Unfortunately, approximately 80% of sleep apnea cases remain undiagnosed. Not only is this disheartening because adults are not getting the sleep they need and deserve, but these individuals are also more likely to experience serious health issues. One health issue that can be the result of untreated sleep apnea is cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the broad term for anyone who experiences any disease that affects the heart or blood vessels.