Tips For Sleeping Better With Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can make restful nights feel impossible, but small changes to your bedtime habits can make a big difference. At the Center for TMJ & Sleep Solutions, we know that better sleep hygiene is an essential step in managing sleep apnea symptoms. When paired with treatment options like oral appliance therapy or CPAP, healthy sleep habits can help you wake up feeling truly refreshed.

The Importance Of A Regular Sleep Routine For Individuals With Sleep Apnea

At Center for TMJ & Sleep Solutions NW, we know that quality sleep is essential for everyone, especially for individuals managing sleep apnea. One of the most effective ways to improve sleep quality and support overall health is by establishing and maintaining a consistent sleep routine. For sleep apnea sufferers, this consistency plays a key role in managing symptoms and enhancing the effectiveness of treatment.

Sleep Apnea Q&A

Millions of people suffer from obstructive sleep apnea and don’t even know it. Sleep apnea is a harmful condition that can have serious health repercussions if not managed properly. We want our patients and their loved ones to be healthy and happy, so we put together a list of some important questions about sleep apnea.

Is Oversleeping OK?

Everyone likes to have a lazy morning once in a while. It’s nice to turn off the alarm and grab an extra hour or two of sleep sometimes. The occasional desire to sleep longer in the morning is not a problem. It becomes a problem, though, when oversleeping starts to be the norm rather than the exception. Chronic oversleeping not only has the potential to disrupt your life, but it could also be a symptom of a sleep disorder. Continue reading to learn more.

Sleep Apnea & Road Safety

People suffering from obstructive sleep apnea know the challenges of a long road trip. Summer is quickly approaching, and we know that many people are planning to hop in the car to visit family and friends or take a scenic drive to one of the many national parks the Pacific Northwest has to offer. So, we thought sharing some tips for staying safe behind the wheel would be a good idea.

Words of Wisdom from Dr. Stephen Carstensen. Watch These 3 Informative Videos.

Dr. Carstensen is a dentist who works at our Bellevue, WA location. He was kind enough to record a few videos about his values and philosophy as a healthcare professional who specializes in helping patients breathe better. You can watch all three of his videos here. We agree with everything he says and want to add to his words of wisdom with some thoughts of our own.