Did You See This Story In The News?

All of our patients, like you, come to our office because you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea or temporomandibular joint disorder and are desperately in need of a treatment that will not only improve their symptoms but also their quality of life. While we use certain appliances to help our patients, there are many more that are used by other practices. One such appliance has recently made it into the news for the oral health complications it can cause its users. Continue reading to learn more about the article and the appliance that is causing the trouble.

Should I Worry About TMD After A Car Accident?

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans are involved in car accidents. While we hate to discuss something as severe as a car accident, we feel it is important to know how this experience can impact your TMD or lead to new or different symptoms. Depending on the type and severity of the car accident, there is a chance that you will experience TMD for the first time or, if you have already been diagnosed, you may experience a flare-up of symptoms.

Exercise & TMD

Have you been evaluating your overall health and would like to introduce a fitness plan into your day but are concerned because you suffer from TMD? Daily exercise should be an important part of everyone’s life, and there are definitely ways that you can exercise, even if you suffer from TMD. Read on to learn more about exercises that would be beneficial and those you may want to avoid.

Is There A Link Between TMD And Wisdom Teeth?

Do you have your wisdom teeth? If you are unfamiliar, wisdom teeth are the very last molars that erupt in your mouth, and they typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. Many people have them removed due to issues with overcrowding or because the teeth are frequently impacted in the jawbone and cause problems. Due to the location of the wisdom teeth and the fact that many of them cause problems with the mouth and jaw, you might be wondering if there is a link between TMD and wisdom teeth.

Don’t Let Holiday Stress Get In Your Way

It’s hard to believe that December is here again and we are getting ready to celebrate the holidays. While the holiday season is a joyful time to share with the people you love and care for, it can also be a difficult time for many people because of added stress. It can be extremely challenging for people suffering from TMD because added stress can be triggering and lead to a flare-up or relapse of symptoms. Read on to learn about how you can help keep your TMD symptoms at bay this holiday season.

How To Have A TMD-friendly Halloween

If you suffer from TMD, you know that it can be extremely difficult at times, especially if you are experiencing a flare-up of symptoms. With Halloween quickly coming later this month, we don’t want you to miss out on any festivities if you are having TMD issues. It’s also important to be mindful of your condition when planning a costume and choosing the candy you want to enjoy. We have compiled some tips to help you enjoy your Halloween festivities. Continue reading to learn more.

Is TMD Affecting Your Sleep?

One of the most important things you can do for your overall health is getting a quality night’s sleep. While you sleep at night, your body and mind recharge to prepare you for the next day. When you don’t get enough sleep or quality sleep, many aspects of your life can become affected, such as your mood, ability to function properly, and more. While we typically discuss sleep when helping our sleep apnea patients, many of our patients who suffer from TMD also experience sleep issues.

Destress For Better Oral Health And Sleep

We hope that you are having a wonderful summer and finding time to relax. Many people look forward to the summer months all year long as there is usually an expectation of less on the to-do list and a lighter schedule. Families enjoy school being closed as well as activities on hold for the summer. Companies adapt a summer schedule giving a more relaxed atmosphere. Are you dreading the return of fall due to the added stress that follows with the aspects of your day-to-day life? We want to share some helpful tips to manage your stress, which is beneficial, especially if you suffer from TMD or sleep apnea. Continue reading to learn more.

Can Allergies Cause A Flare-Up Of TMD Symptoms?

Do you suffer from allergies? Over the past few years, patients who suffer from various forms of allergies, particularly seasonal allergies, have been having a rough time. Pollen counts have been extremely high, and in our area, with all of the trees, it can be problematic. Have you ever noticed a flare-up of your TMD symptoms following a time when your allergies were at their worst? If not, be sure to pay close attention during the next allergy season. It is not uncommon for there to be a link between the two issues.

How To Travel Stress-Free With TMD

With summer right around the corner, we know many of our patients are busy preparing their travel plans. During the past few summers, it has been a little difficult to travel safely the way we have in previous years. We know many of our patients are excited and looking forward to what they have planned, whether it is visiting a favorite location or heading somewhere they have never been before. For patients who experience TMD, traveling can be a bit tricky at times, and we recommend taking a few precautions to ensure that you enjoy your travels free of discomfort. Continue reading to learn these helpful tips.