Sleep Apnea & Road Safety

People suffering from obstructive sleep apnea know the challenges of a long road trip. Summer is quickly approaching, and we know that many people are planning to hop in the car to visit family and friends or take a scenic drive to one of the many national parks the Pacific Northwest has to offer. So, we thought sharing some tips for staying safe behind the wheel would be a good idea.

3 Tips For Keeping Sleep Apnea Under Control During The Holidays

Halloween has come and gone, November is here, and before you know it, the holiday season will be upon us. If you suffer from sleep apnea and are currently receiving treatment, it is important to continue with your treatment plan and scheduled appointments during this busy time. It would be a shame to let your holiday celebrations and activities sabotage your progress. Read on to learn more about what you can do to keep your sleep apnea under control during the holidays.

3 Habits That Make Sleep Apnea Worse

Last month, we sent an email about habits that may be affecting your TMD symptoms and treatment. Since we treat patients with sleep apnea and TMD, this month we want to share some habits that can affect your sleep apnea. Some of them may surprise you, and you may be doing them without realizing that they can lead to problems. Read on to learn if you need to break these habits.

Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Mood?

For years, we have spoken about the negative impact sleep apnea can have on your overall health. Can sleep apnea also have an effect on your mood? The answer is an absolute yes. Patients who suffer from sleep apnea and are not receiving treatment do not get quality sleep at night. Your body needs adequate sleep to function properly every day. Think of a baby or toddler you may know. How is their mood when they do not get a nap during the day or if their sleep is interrupted? They are cranky, irritable, and difficult to calm down. While adults may not behave as poorly as children when they’re tired, their moods can be rather similar.

How To Cope With The Upcoming Time Change

We don’t know how you feel, but we are dreading when the clocks change on March 12th for Daylight Saving Time. While we will enjoy the brighter and longer days, adjusting to the time change can be difficult for some, especially if you suffer from sleep apnea or struggle to get quality sleep. Daylight saving time is the practice of setting the clocks ahead by one hour from March through November. Read on for some tips to help you adjust to the time change.

Does Your Sleep Apnea Seem Worse In The Summer?

I know that many of you are excited for the arrival of warmer weather and for the fact that the start of the summer season is a few short days away. Summer is a time we associate with longer days, activities in the sun, family vacations, and spending time with friends and family outdoors. While all of the summer fun is wonderful, if you suffer from sleep apnea you may have a different opinion. Continue reading to learn how summer fun can affect your sleep apnea symptoms.

Why Support is Key to Sleep Apnea Treatment

Dealing with sleep apnea can be extremely frustrating and can affect more than just the patient. It’s easy to forget that many sleep apnea patients have partners, loved ones, and family members who are also concerned and want to see the one they love get the help they need. At times, sleep apnea patients need to make certain lifestyle changes to get the lasting results that they desperately need for their health. We have some suggestions for not only the patient, but also their loved ones, to help them on their way to ultimate health. Continue reading to learn more and, if you suffer from sleep apnea, be sure to share this with your loved ones.