Dangers Of Untreated Sleep Apnea

Sleeping well is one of the most important things you can do to help your overall health. Think of the days after you have had a poor night’s sleep. You may be irritable, feel exhausted during the day, and just not seem like yourself. There are a large number of people who feel like this every day because they suffer from a common condition known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which the soft tissues in the back of the throat relax during sleep, obstructing the airway and limiting proper oxygen flow. More than 22 million people suffer from the effects of sleep apnea. It is extremely concerning to think of the number of people who suffer from this condition and never seek treatment or receive a diagnosis. When sleep apnea remains untreated, it can be extremely damaging to your overall health and can lead to serious health complications.

Tips For Sleeping More Peacefully

Which season is your favorite? While each season has its perks, many people do not choose winter as their top choice even though there are some clear benefits to point out. One benefit of winter is the slower pace and time spent at home to recharge. Winter is also a popular time to evaluate the state of your health and make any changes necessary before warmer weather arrives. If you experience sleep apnea and issues with your sleep, winter is the perfect time to create a nighttime routine to help you sleep peacefully. Read on to learn simple steps that you can easily add to your nighttime routine to assist with sleep.

Is Napping Good For You?

We don’t know about you, but now that the start of the new year and holiday season is behind us, we feel like we can take a deep breath and relax. The holiday season always feels like it is go, go, go with parties, visiting family and friends, shopping and wrapping gifts. There are endless opportunities to join festivities, and it can be exhausting. By the time January rolls around, we just feel like snuggling up in a comfy blanket and taking a nap. However, if you are a patient who experiences sleep apnea, that may not be the best idea. Read on to learn why.

Tips For Getting Through The Holidays With Sleep Apnea

Can you believe that the holiday season is almost upon us yet again? We don’t know about you, but it seems like it was just the start of 2021, and in a few short weeks it will be over. If you suffer from sleep apnea, we know that the holiday season, although exciting and enjoyable, can cause some disruptions to your treatment and make symptoms worse. We wanted to give some tips to help you manage your sleep apnea so you are able to get the most out of your holiday festivities.

Seasonal Allergies Don’t Just Happen In The Spring

Have you noticed that your allergy symptoms have been more prominent this fall? Many commercials show people sneezing with beautiful spring flowers in the background, so some adults think that allergies are something that are only experienced in the spring. Contrary to popular belief, allergies can be experienced during any season, but many have a difficult time in the fall. If you suffer from both allergies and sleep apnea, you may be finding that you are having a difficult time with your treatment. We want to share some helpful tips to manage your sleep apnea during high allergy times. Read on for more details.

Don’t Let Sleep Apnea Ruin Your Summer Travel Plans

We hope that you have been enjoying your summer thus far. This summer is full of many opportunities that were not available to us last year. Most people have vacations and camping trips planned. In fact, travel has been at an all time high now that much of the country has reopened. Many weekly rentals, hotels, and campgrounds are fully booked for the remainder of the summer. Travel can be particularly tricky if you suffer from sleep apnea. It can be quite a chore to pack up any machinery, such as a CPAP machine, to prepare for travel. Did you know that there are other alternatives to assist with sleep apnea that are better to travel and camp with? Continue reading to learn more about this.

Ways To Sleep Better When Under Stress

Have you been dealing with more stress than usual? There can be any number of reasons that you might be under stress and everyone handles their stress differently. A large number of people who have never experienced stress before are feeling the effects from all of the life changes caused by the pandemic. High levels of stress can have an effect on your overall and oral health, your weight, and can lead to hair loss and acne. You might be surprised to learn that your stress level can also have an effect on your sleep.

Does Alcohol Affect Sleep Apnea?

It is not uncommon for adults to enjoy a glass of wine, a beer, or a cocktail with dinner. Many families grew up with the cultural expectation of drinking alcohol during family meals. Wineries, breweries, and distilleries have become quite popular hangouts over the past few years. One of the reasons alcohol is popular is due to its relaxing properties. Those same properties are the reason that alcohol can cause issues for patients who experience sleep apnea.

Why Support is Key to Sleep Apnea Treatment

Dealing with sleep apnea can be extremely frustrating and can affect more than just the patient. It’s easy to forget that many sleep apnea patients have partners, loved ones, and family members who are also concerned and want to see the one they love get the help they need. At times, sleep apnea patients need to make certain lifestyle changes to get the lasting results that they desperately need for their health. We have some suggestions for not only the patient, but also their loved ones, to help them on their way to ultimate health. Continue reading to learn more and, if you suffer from sleep apnea, be sure to share this with your loved ones.

Simple Ways to Improve Your Sleep Habits

Now that we have successfully made it through the first month of 2021 and all the craziness of the holiday season and new year are over, now is the perfect time for a reset to focus on yourself and your health. There is no better area to focus on than your sleep habits and sleep patterns. Sleep is essential to your overall health, both physical and mental. It affects so many areas of your daily life, from energy, to weight loss or weight gain and mood.