Could You Be Oversleeping?
We often discuss the importance of getting quality sleep. As we have explained in the past, a full night’s sleep is necessary to remain healthy and avoid medical issues. This is one of the reasons we are passionate about helping patients who suffer from sleep apnea. We want our patients to live a long and healthy life that they are happy to live life to the fullest. You may be surprised to learn that it is possible to get too much sleep. Read on to learn how your health can be affected if you are sleeping too much.
Are You Sleeping Too Much?
Experts recommend that adults sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night. When you don’t
sleep long enough each night, it can lead to serious health complications. You need a full night of quality sleep for your mental and physical health. However, is it possible to get too much sleep? You may be surprised to learn that the answer is yes! Just as too little sleep can affect your health, too much sleep can also have the same result. Based on your activity level during the day, it is not unusual to need more sleep on occasion. If you find yourself frequently napping during the day and then getting over 9 hours of sleep a night, you are oversleeping.
Can Too Much Sleep Affect Sleep Apnea?
When you struggle with sleep apnea, you may feel like you need to catch up on sleep when you can, but you are doing yourself a disservice. Taking a nap during the day and then sleeping all night may be causing you problems, especially if you are experiencing a set-back with your sleep apnea. Oversleeping can lead to the same complications as lack of sleep.
If you are concerned that you are oversleeping, are having trouble sleeping, or are experiencing issues with your sleep apnea, contact our office located in Auburn & Silverdale, WA. We are happy to help!