Ease Into Fall With These Helpful Hints
September signifies the end of the summer season, the start of school, and the return to a normal schedule and routine for many workplaces. Starting anything new can be a stressful time for many. This can be especially challenging for those who struggle with TMD symptoms as high levels of stress and anxiety can be triggering and cause symptoms to resurface once again. We want to share some tips to help with an easy transition to whatever this fall has in store for you. Continue reading to learn more.
Tips For Easing Back Into Fall Life
We hope that you had a magical and wonderful summer doing all the activities you love with all your favorite people. September signifies a fresh start for many, and new beginnings can bring on certain stressors and anxieties that can cause TMD symptoms to flare up. We want to share some helpful tips to incorporate into your routine this fall to hopefully keep any symptoms on the sidelines:
Pack TMD-Friendly Lunches
Whether you will be out and about at work or school this fall, planning a TMD-friendly lunch will be beneficial to you. Be sure to avoid hard and chewy foods and focus on softer foods that are easier to chew.
Sit Properly in Your Work Space
It is important to focus on your posture no matter if you are sitting at a desk at school, work, or in a home office. Avoid slouching when possible and be sure to sit straight with your shoulders back and your chest forward.
Maintain Good Sleeping Habits
When starting a new routine, it can be easy for sleep troubles to creep in. Be sure to turn off electronics before bed, add in some relaxation techniques, and focus on getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep a night.
Don’t Overdo Activities
It can be easy to overdo it with children’s activities, and nights out with friends and family during the fall. Be sure to get the adequate rest and quiet that you need to unwind after a busy day or week.
If your TMD symptoms begin to flare up or you start experiencing any other issues or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office located in Auburn & Silverdale, WA. We are happy to help!